Not everything is DANGEROUS
Nothing is as it SEEMS.
It's false that all things are inVISIBLE.
There isn't anything that's inDESTRUCTIBLE.
Nothing made of JELLO is worth DYING for.
No MAMMALS should be allowed to RULE the Earth.
It's not true that all of the BUNNIES are CORRUPT.
None of the CHILDREN are SPECIAL.
It's false that only the COURAGEOUS are FEARED.
It's not true that only BALLOONS make her HAPPY.
There is nothing in my REFRIGERATOR made of PLUTONIUM or NAUGAHYDE.
Not every FEROCIOUS GREEN MONSTER that attacks TOKYO is disLIKED.
None of the disHONEST POLITICIANS have real SMILES or real BELIEFS.
None of the LEPRECHAUNS, GNOMES, or TROLLS works in the MEDICAL field.
No one who is constructing PROOFS or symbolizing SENTENCES could be BORED or unHAPPY.
None of the GRINNING DRAGONS who TORMENT the village BRUSH or FLOSS on a daily basis.
Nothing that's made of GELATIN or TINFOIL should be given to ALIENS or placed in one's NOSE.
No one who has a long TAIL, sharp FANGS and pointy HORNS should be hired to walk your DOG or care for your CHILDREN.
It's not the case that only PHILOSOPHERS and MATHEMATICIANS enjoy thinking ABSTRACTLY and playing with SYMBOLS.
Not all QUEENS and PRINCESSES who rule imaginary LANDS wear WIMPLES.
Not every NERD and GEEK who loses at CHESS becomes a REVOLUTIONARY or an ANARCHIST.
It's false that none of the ANCIENT MAYAN RULERS thought pyramids were COOL.
It's not true that nothing inside our BODIES is WEIRD, CREEPY, or DISGUSTING.
It's false that there aren't any LARGE UGLY RODENTS at the ZOO.