Symbolizing Negations: The sentences below illustrate common uses of the tilde. Be sure to check the help screen for important info about fill-in-the-blank symbolization exercises.
It's false that JANET dislikes jello; however, she would never WRESTLE in it.
It's not true that BATS cannot see, nevertheless, many of them are unATTRACTIVE.
Though they have no talent for SYMBOLIZATION, it's false that zombies cannot construct PROOFS.
If you have not WALKED in my shoes, you will not UNDERSTAND my choice of socks.
The party will not END so long as the beer still FLOWS and the neighbors do not COMPLAIN.
I do not LIKE you and I will not SPEAK to you; however, I would never EAT your jello nor TEASE your gerbils.
I'm going to Europe this WEEKEND, but I haven't time to visit both LONDON and PARIS.
A table cannot be both ROUND and SQUARE; moreover, it can be made of neither JELLO nor PUDDING.
It's false that she teachers both ART and LOGIC; however, it's true that she admires both CREATIVITY and RATIONALITY.
Supposing that God is all-GOOD, but not all-POWERFUL, then it's not impossible for Satan to TRIUMPH.
Given that you like RAMEN but not SPAGHETTIOS, I do not TRUST you and I suspect you are a COMMUNIST.
It's false that one can be HAPPY only when it does not RAIN.
It's not true that eating JELLO leads to LICENTIOUSNESS and DEBAUCHERY.
It's not the case that we will have MALT liquor and PRETZELS only if BRENDA shows up.
It's false that TIGHTS and a CAPE are sufficient for being a SUPERHERO.
You should not EAT the jello unless it is JIGGLY.
Everything can be UNDERSTOOD unless the world is not RATIONAL.
We will SING and DANCE unless our NOSES fall off.
Unless I am DREAMING, there is a TABLE before me and I am not a GOURD.
Unless ZENO cannot be trusted, motion is imPOSSIBLE and change is not REAL.
It's false that LIFE is not worth living unless there's JELLO.
Being IMAGINARY is not a sufficient condition for being a BASILISK.
Having a BEARD is not a sufficient condition for being a PHILOSOPHER, moreover, living in a CAVE is insufficient for being WISE.
Slaying DRAGONS is not essential for being a KNIGHT, and slaying PRINCESSES is not adequate for being a knight.
It's not necessary to destroy MEANING to discover TRUTH.
MUSIC and ART are not required for LIFE, but without CREATIVITY, advertising would be less PERSUASIVE.
Provided that you don't PROVOKE them, the bears will not ATTACK, unless they're HUNGRY.
It's not true that you will SUCCEED only if you're LUCKY and yet it's false that you won't succeed only if you're unlucky.
If you don't have both a RACKET and a BALL, you cannot play TENNIS.
If it doesn't have WINGS and FEATHERS then it's not a BIRD.
If you don't have a COAT and GLOVES, then if there's not a HEATER nor a FIRE, you will SHIVER.
It's false that if you understand MATH and PHYSICS you also understand ART, LOVE, JELLO and how to make a good grilled cheese SANDWICH.
Being SQUARE is a sufficient condition for being unCOOL, but being PENTAGONAL is not a sufficient condition for being EVIL.
If there are no RAINBOWS, there will be no UNICORNS, unless the LEPRECHAUNS put horns on the ponies.
Supposing the creature is inVISIBLE, it cannot be SEEN unless it wears a HAT.
It's false that disBELIEF is unnecessary for disTRUST, nevertheless, JELLO makes me happy.